
Inphonology,anallophoneisoneofmultiplepossiblespokensounds–orphones–usedtopronounceasinglephonemeinaparticularlanguage.,,InEnglish,[ph]and[p]areallophonesofthesamephoneme(/p/),meaningthataworddoesn'tchangeitsmeaningifyousubstituteonesoundfortheother.For ...,TIPSONSOLVINGPHONEMICANALYSISPROBLEMSYourtaskistodeterminewhether[b]and[p]areallophonesofthesamephonemeordifferentphonemes.,Anyvariantstha...


In phonology, an allophone is one of multiple possible spoken sounds – or phones – used to pronounce a single phoneme in a particular language.

Sounds in Use

In English, [ph] and [p] are allophones of the same phoneme (/p/), meaning that a word doesn't change its meaning if you substitute one sound for the other. For ...

phoneme analysis

TIPS ON SOLVING PHONEMIC ANALYSIS PROBLEMS Your task is to determine whether [b] and [p] are allophones of the same phoneme or different phonemes.

4.2 Allophones and Predictable Variation

Any variants that are not contrastive, that don't lead to a meaning change, are members of that same phoneme category and are called allophones. We've already ...

Phoneme and allophone

2024年3月12日 — Allophones are sounds, whilst a phoneme is a set of such sounds. Allophones are usually relatively similar sounds which are in mutually ...

How do you know if allophones are of the same phoneme?

2020年12月3日 — The simple answer is 'substitute one for the other': if the change changes the sense of the word, they are two phonemes; if the sense remains, ...

Are s and sh allophones of the same phoneme?

2021年1月7日 — In most cases, an allophone will be identical to the phoneme, i.e., there is an environment where the underlying form of a speech sound is ...